The Role of Global Tooling Resources
In Your Manufacturing Product Lifecycle
The Role of Global Tooling Resources
In Your Manufacturing Product Lifecycle

Advanced Engineering and Design
At the beginning stage of every manufacturing product life cycle, there is always a design phase where the concept of a new product is realized through engineering innovation.
In terms of cold metal stamping in the automotive world, whether the product is a B pillar with ultra high strength steel or an aluminum-magnesium skid plate, GTR can assist its clients to verify the manufacturability of the product and validate the design intent as per specifications to avoid any potential failures. GTR’s highly experienced tooling experts carry out such services for its clients through advanced engineering processes.
Services that GTR can provide include but not limited to the following:
- Formability Simulation
- Spring-back Simulation
- Die Process Layout & Design
- Blank Size Optimization
- Tonnage Calculation
- 3D Modeling
- Reverse Engineering
- Transfer Die Interference Check
- Prototype Manufacturing
- Transfer Bar & Gripper Design
- Material Type Optimization
- Process Verification
- Die design standard Optimization

Procurement & Sourcing
Once a product design is finalized, cost analysis is required to determine whether it is cost effective for the company to manufacture the product in-house or outsource it to a supplier. This is also true for the tooling that is required to make the product. In addition, smaller components are often sourced to overseas suppliers with lower overhead, typically in low cost countries.
GTR provides a variety of procurement and sourcing services in China for customers around the globe. Such services range from cost estimation to product outsourcing to supply chain management. These procurement and sourcing services include but not limited to the following:
- Piece Price Cost analysis
- Die Cost Estimation
- Press Selection
- Overseas Supplier Search
- Supplier Assessment
- Supplier Performance Monitoring
- Die Sourcing
- Check Fixture Sourcing
- Component Sourcing

Product Launch & Process Development
GTR provides its clients services in three distinctive areas, namely, engineering, materials, and program management.
With the engineering talents GTR comprises, Tier One clients can rely on GTR to conduct or verify part simulations to ensure die process for the part and its manufacturibility can be achieved. Otherwise, concessions will be needed. In addition, all engineeirng analyses are completed to OEM formats so Tier One clients can conduct technical reviews with OEMs without double handling the paperwork. In terms of material, Tier One clients can utlize GTR’s supply network in China to buy tryout material that is certified and 3rd party tested to specifications. As for Program Management, GTR manages tooling programs at tool shops on-site in China for its clients.
In this stage of the manufacturing product life cycle, GTR’s role is to provide the following services for its clients to save time and stay within program budget:
- Die Simulation Validation
- Technical Feasibility Review in OEM Specifications
- Material Procurement in China
- Import & Export Assistances in Asia
- Soft Tool Parts
- 3rd Party Material Testing
- Tooling Buyoff in China
- Supplier PPAP Assistance
- China Tool Shop Program Management
- Quality Inspection
- Translation Services

Mass Production
In the mass production phase of the manufacturing product life cycle, along with many different aspects of a Total Quality System, it is important to have a robust preventative maintenance and continuous improvement programs in place.
GTR offers an inexpensive way for its clients to replace die components and sections from China for die maintenance. Die components and sections are made to print and delivered by courier from China to our clients’ factories globally. GTR also provides various engineering services to assist customers to reduce costs through die process optimization. Such engineering services are important to obtain before actual engineering changes for continuous improvement projects are implemented. Example of some of these services GTR provides for PM an CI projects are listed as follows:
- Die Sections Replacement
- Die Components Replacement
- Engineering change design & implementation
- CAD Data Overlay & Comparison
- Die Process Reduction
- Blank Size Reduction
- Blank Nesting Optimizations

Prototypes & Service Parts
As a product comes to the end of its life due to model changes or other factors for its obsolescence, the product will reach its last phase of the manufacturing product life cycle where manufacturing of the product to serve the after-sales market and service industry become key.
Service parts are often still required years after the end of the mass production phase. In the case where the tooling or production process/cell has been dismentled, GTR can assist its clients to produce low quantities of service parts through rapid toolings or prototype dies.
Upon receiving a CAD file or sample part, GTR can replicate the product and produce soft tool parts or prototypes within a short period of time to satisfy customer’s demand. Parts can be shipped to customers’ location in a matter of days or weeks from the day order is place.